Well today I only pumped 6 ounces during my lunch pump… I usually get 7-9. I am not going to freak out about it. I was a little shocked though to see that number. I have come to realize that making it to almost 7 months is something to be grateful for.
Pumping is not for everyone…. some moms who pump hate it and want to give up. I am not that mom. I actually like to pump for AInsley. Here is why..
with that being said I know that whenever it is my time to stop It is meant to be!
Here are Some helpful pumping tips-
This pumping journey can be long or short. Regardless of it’s length don’t let it define you as a mother. So often I look at the numbers and think OH my goodness I only produced 6 ounces……………. what am I going to do? I do know that this is out of my hands! We can try and make problems better and try to fix them. We do things to increase our supply but ultimately it is out of our control. I have come to terms with that. I praise my God for this precious life he has given me and on a day like today where I barely make enough for a bottle I rejoice in the fact that I have gotten this far and produced this much for my miracle and rainbow baby.
friends don’t give up, try not to compare ( daily struggle for me), persevere, LOVE always, sacrifice for your child, pumping IS NOT EASY….. but think about THE AMAZING MIRACLE YOU ARE PUMPING FOR.
this was a little difficult to write because I strive for perfection with pumping. I look at the numbers, I compare with other moms, I want to make it to 1 year of pumping. None of that matters because I am NOT perfect. I will never be the perfect mom, perfect friend, perfect wife, perfect daughter, perfect pumper…. that is just NOT possible. I will try my best, but I will fail.
It’s going to be alright. There is going to be another day to try my best. I know I am deeply loved, and I deeply love the child i am pumping for.
Do your best and if your best was pumping for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year that is amazing. I commend you for trying your best!
Know that you are LOVED, know that you are beautiful and to NEVER GIVE UP.