This past week was my SPRING BREAK and it was fabulous!!!! I got a lot done! Here’s some of the stuff that happened!
This little girl ….
got her ears pierced!!!!!
I was really hoping it wouldn’t hurt a ton and that she wouldn’t cry SO much…. but after each ear was done she cried for less than 30 seconds and thankfully it was over!
This little guy …
started group swim lessons for the first time~ and LOVED it! Last summer one of Jerod’s friends taught him out of his own pool, but we wanted him to have more interaction and try a group setting. He is doing great and loves to learn!
We went to the park with their cousins and had a ball! Ainsley LOVES her cousin Avery, who is 2.
I loved getting to take Oakland to Pre-school on Monday and Wednesday! I get excited to do that because I never get to with my teaching job. I like to see his face when he see’s his teachers and friends. He LOVES his school and has wonderful teachers and has made some sweet friends~!
I started a new Bible study with some friends of mine and I really recommend this book that we are studying…
it is SO good and I love studying something that I can truly apply to my chaotic life that I wouldn’t trade for anything!!!! Getting in THE word with friends makes it that much better. 🙂 Plus when you mix in food… I am all in!!! haha!
We went to Dallas Friday morning for our good friend’s wedding~ Oakland and Jerod had the pleasure of being in the wedding party!!! We also go to see some friends that live there. Oakland and Ainsley got to play with Addie. She is the daughter of Megan, who I met in college and she was in my wedding… and I lived with her when I got my first apartment! Love her!
and we finished off my spring break with the wedding!~ It was SO much fun! I absolutely LOOOOOVED seeing my little man walk down the aisle! He has the perfect personality to do it and he did it with confidence, ease, and joy!
Ainsley is so excited to get to watch daddy up front and bubba walk down the aisle at the rehearsal!
The dinner rehearsal was at Spaghetti Warehouse… soooo yummy! I LOVE Italian food! Ainsley tried applesauce for the first time and I think she liked it.
My husband and I went to college with the groom…. funny story. I actually dated him my freshman year of college! We all ran with the same crowd! Here are some pictures from the wedding!
the CUTEST!!
my 1st born, beautiful son!
leaving the ceremony ..
My amazing 2 boys!
Oakland LOVED the flower girl! They danced ALL night until 11!!
SO handsome!
“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
“The reality of loving God is loving him like he’s a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some stuff.”
― Criss Jami
― Criss Jami
My family that GOD has given me is my biggest blessing!
Lovely post! The pictures from the wedding are soooo adorable!
Was searching for my GF's blog and came to your interesting one. Saw your post about your daughter pretty pierced ears. I think you're a smart and thoughtful mommy for getting your dd's her ears pierced at this age.
Some say to wait at this age to pierce their ears, but our ped encouraged me to do it when mom could care for them. She gave me some " Tips for moms having their dd's ears pierced and " Care for Newly Pierced Ears" since she had so many moms ask about having their infants and little girls ears pierced.
I know cerebrally, as mothers of girls of all ages, we know it celebrates their femaleness and femininity. After all, they are little girls, right?
If any other moms would like any of our ped’s tips for piercing, then don’t hesitate to write me an e-mail. They include OTC meds to minimize any discomfort as well as how to find the most experienced person to pierce her ears.
[email protected]