Faith is trusting God to do what he says.
It’s a constant struggle for me to trust God in all areas of my life because I like to be in total control of everything. Following God’s will isn’t an easy task. You have to give up things, learn to put others first, love everyone, be forgiving…. just to name a few.
I know God is the ultimate healer but sometimes I doubt that he can heal all things. I have been going through a hard time in my life physically lately.
I noticed a fairly large lump in the middle of my throat that wouldn’t go away. I went to my doctor with this concern and he immediately sent me to get an ultrasound done of the nodule.
I got the results back and it came back as it being a 1.3 cm complex cystic thyroid nodule. He then said I needed to have an FNA guided biopsy done to remove some of the cyst and get it tested to see if t was cancerous or not. CANCER…????!!! I am only 29 years old. It really didn’t hit me until yesterday when I was on the bed about to get the numbing needle injected. I started crying and as Jerod is holding my shaking feet he said to me ” Brittany do this for our children… we need to know this is nothing so we can have peace of mind, you’re so brave!.” I thought ” You’re right what am I doing about to back out, I have had 2 children I can take this needle going into my neck!” It stung a lot but he then proceeded to put more needles in to suck out the fluid to send off for testing. He only needed 2 needles! It was a good sign that a ton of fluid came out… and the CYST WAS GONE!!! It feels awesome to not feel it anymore on my neck! I should know by the end of the week if it is cancerous or not he said.
Hallelujah! Praise the one risen son of God!!!!~ Shane and Shane
My hubby was actually a lot more relieved that I was and am….. I will be ecstatic once I get the results of the cyst. If it is something serious I know I will get through it. Jerod and my children are the ONLY reason I went through with the biopsy… He is my rock and encourager and I just love him for that.
My children are my everything and I want to be an example to them. If Christ isn’t first in my life and if I don’t have faith in Christ then what do I have to hold on to?
I am so blessed that He lives in me and I strive to show his love through my actions everyday.
In each season God might call us to do certain things. During the season I am in I have been called to be a mother to 2 adorable children and work full time. Yes there are days I wish I was a stay at home mother but I know this task at hand is where I need to be. I absolutely love teaching. I don’t have a ton of time outside of teaching and being a wife and mother PLUS working out 3x a week at the Y when we have the time. Life is crazy right now but I am SOOOO blessed to have the entire summer off to spend with my sweet kids! God has truly blessed my life regardless of what I have gone through. I CHOOSE to trust in Him. It definitely is a choice you have to make everyday. When you wake up are you going to serve your own kingdom or God’s?
Here are some pictures from our week so far! We have had a busy week with going to our ranch this past weekend and Oakland going to VBS everyday from 9-12! Ainsley is going to the chiropractor twice a week, and we have been to the library and Ainsley went to the splash pad for the first time today!
Family, Fun & Favorites says
Hang in there Momma your a great mom and God has big things for your family.
Love your little red head!
Sara Moon says
Praying for you Momma! You are such an inspiration and a wonderful woman of God!
Ailee Petrovic says
So glad you had the cyst removed and that you were so strong in the process. I am with you about struggling to really believe God can heal all things – listening to Kari Jobe's 'Healer' always helps!! Xo