This post is sponsored by Chicco. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Traveling with a toddler is inevitable. Almost 6 out of the 7 days in a week my toddler is in her car seat. That’s a lot of time spent in a moving vehicle. I want to make that time be the most enjoyable for my kids and I want to have full focus while driving so you better believe I make each car ride as smooth as possible.
Driving with a toddler is sometimes not an easy task so making sure your child is comfortable ensures you’re set up for success, which is why my first tip for traveling with a toddler is to have a comfortable car seat that is properly installed.
One thing I truly love about Chicco is their expertise in car safety- they have a CPST on staff that I was able to talk to on the phone to walk through any questions I had! She was really helpful when I was installing the seat!
When you have a professional, who knows car seat safety help you install the seat it gives you such piece of mind. I remember installing my first child’s car seat 9 years ago and had so much anxiety not knowing if it was installed properly.
It helps that this Chicco car seat is amazing! The Chicco NextFit Zip is made for safety and comfort! It comfortably accommodates rear-facing infants up to 40 lbs, as well as older children who are forward- facing from 22-65 lbs.
The diagram is so helpful! It shows you if the seat is installed properly.This mama had so much more peace when I saw that the bubble was in the correct spot! I didn’t have this diagram on Oakland’s Chicco car seat 9 years ago!
In addition to having a comfortable, properly installed car seat, my other tips for traveling with a little one includes having snacks, toys, and/or a paci on hand! After I know my child is safely buckled in I want to provide all things necessary to make it a smooth ride! As long as Leighton has her paci and snacks she is ALL SET TO GO! She doesn’t rely on an iPad at this point but if she needs one I am not opposed to letting her watch one.
Another tip is to hang some kind of organizer on your seat so that you can store toys, wipes, diapers, snacks, etc. You can also put a storage bin in your car to hold these items too!
If you’re planning on traveling with a toddler soon, you can find this amazing seat for $299.99 at and in stores. The entire NextFit Convertible Car Seat line was also recently updated to offer options with different comfort and convenience features at a variety of price points sure to fit any parents’ needs and budget! I particularly love the NextFit Zip model because the seat pad can be zipped off to throw into the washing machine! Talk about convenience!
The NextFit definitely gives you the confidence to properly install the seat with their SuperCinch force- multiplying tightener and LockSure belt-locking system!
The padding is incredible! It makes that ride so comfortable for your little one!

Have definitely had my eye on this car seat!! Thanks for the helpful review!
Such a good giveaway! Who couldn’t use a good car seat?!
I absolutely love This! I’m always trying to make sure we find my little guy the best and most comfortable items around and the seat is probably the most important. Since he is in the car almost everyday this would be huge to win and I love the Reclinesure Leverling system! It’s better than trying to get the ball leveled just right in other seats. Bonus is the easy installation for this mama!! Thank you for writing this for mama’s to read and doing this amazing giveaway! -rorysmama1219 💓
Loving the padding and wash convenience this has to offer!
This carseat looks great! I’ve been wanting to try out the Chico brand carseats. It looks comfy for babe and I love that it has many height and recline adjustments. (My insta is @marissa.miles_)
I can’t imagine the stress of traveling with a toddler! I just had my first baby in December and I’m already stressed traveling with an 8 week old! It would be nice to have some of that stress taken away with a great car seat like this one. Especially with living far from family 🙁 thanks for the review on this!
Love Chicco car seats! What a helpful diagram too! Some car seats can be very confusing but this one looks comfortable and simple!!
So amazing! Sounds like a great car seat
This looks like a really easy seat to install on your own. I had a hard time with both of mine I could never get it right on my own and always second guessed myself.
Such a beautiful girl in a beautiful car seat! 😍 I’m seriously obsessed!!
Great information about the car seat. Having a good and comfortable car seat makes a big difference in how kids act in the car.
I love Chicco! Their car seats and strollers are so cute and have amazing safety ratings! 🙂 (insta handle: @coffeeandgraceblog)
Such great and awesome tips to keep in mind when our little one turns into a not so little one! Chicco is so great for making our lives a little bit easier! Such great products!
Great tips! Snacks and movies are key to our road trips going smoothly :).
This is the carseat we have for Isla and i would just love to win one for our new baby due in June! I just love it!
We are always in the car traveling and with new baby on the way – we definitely could use this! Thanks for sharing!
Your daughter is sooooo cute!!!! We totally need this car seat for my toddler! It sounds & looks amazing!
This car seat sounds amazing. I also carry a storage bin with all the extra stuff I need wipes diapers snacks toys. Traveling with kids sometimes can be hard. Instagram username gabbysunshinej
Thanks for all the great traveling tips and I love the car seat. My little guy used to hate car rides. My husband and I would have to take turns sitting back there with him. It’s not as bad anymore, but we do get the occasional restlessness. Ig: @lesley.taranovich
Omgeeeee Brittany how did you know we needed a new car seat?! This one looks amazing and is definitely out of our budget. I have loved every recommendation I’ve followed from you. Love how you find the best deals, and the best things we really need. 💖
This would be so amazing! I’ve heard so many good things about Chico!! Thanks for sharing all this awesome info!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the tips! That car seat looks absolutely amazing! ❤️❤️
I Love that the seat pad can be zipped off and washed. Like holy game changer!! I cant wait to try this! I will definitely be ordering my son one. My instagram is @tatts.n.plants
I love the seat pad can be zipped off and put in the washer. Like holy game changer i will definitely be ordering my son one! My instagram is @tatts.n.plants
This looks incredible such a great value. Will definitely look into getting one as I need to purchase one and this looks perfect
I have always loved Chicco. I try to always put my babies in that brand. I trust that brand with my kids safety.
I love Chicco! We have a booster seat for my son and it’s the best seat we’ve ever had.
We have this car seat and love it!