Why do we allow fear to creep in and steal our joy?
We are moms and worry about everything. I have found that since becoming a mom in 2009 I worry about every L I T T L E thing. I fear for things that are totally out of my control.
Last night I was doing my nightly routine with Oakland ( give him his vitamin gummies, probiotic, brush teeth, mommy/son devotional, read story, sing, and pray) and I said I am sad you are growing up. His response was ” It’s okay mommy, I will still be your baby even when I am bigger and when I buy a house you can come over whenever you want.” I just sat there with tears building up and smiled. My son has no idea how much I worry for his future. I worry about kids not liking him because he can be too pushy and bossy at times. I worry about him getting hurt. I worry about him not being good at things. I worry about him not trying his best at school and sports. I worry that he doesn’t eat enough healthy foods. I worry that the bump on his lip is growing back and that he will have to have surgery again ( put him under in Dec. to remove a small piece of tissue on his lip that was growing) I worry about so much and this list is just a FEW things that have to do with Oakland!
Now for a few worries I have for Ainsley….
I worry that she isn’t drinking enough breastmilk. I worry that she won’t reach all of her milestones when she should. I worry that she doesn’t sleep enough. I worry that her bald spots won’t grow her beautiful red hair there. I worry that she won’t get the same one-on-one time with me like her brother did his first 8 months of life.
Do you see how many times I just wrote I worry?????? My life is not about me. I am not in control. A much greater person is and he has everything in control. It is so hard to let him have full control though as a mom. Where does this fear come from? NOT from my heavenly father. I know that for sure.
Here is what the Bible says about F E A R…
Love your blogs, just read them all and cried!!! You are doing a great job Mama, thanks for sharing your heart and your journey with us, it's very encouraging and touching!!
Thank you so much Angela!!!!! I really appreciate your words!
Thank you girl. I loved reading this and it's exactly what i needed to be reminded of. Fear absolutely consumes my mind so much of the time, and I can't help but think how disappointing that must be to God. i love you and I completely know how you feel. 🙂
Thank you so much honey!
I love this- because worry is my biggest thing that I struggle with. I always quote Luke 12:25 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" It's hard to let go. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for reading! Worry is huge and one of the hardest things not to do as a mom! Reciting these verses is so helpful! xo!
I can totally understand, and although I'm not much of a worrier typically, I do when it comes to my child! I try not to think about it too much and just let her be who she is, make mistakes, get hurt… it's much harder for me than it is for her. <3
I totally get what yo hare saying!! I worry so much about my little ones. It's so hard being a mom and letting it go. Great share girly. xo ~ Megan The Fashionista Momma