I know we all same the same as every month passes, but I really can not believe she is 7 MONTHS! I feel like she was just in my belly!
She is such a sweet little care who never cries…. so when she does cry she is either hungry or sleepy. She does not cry when she is wet or dirty.
Stats: She weighs 21 pounds! 🙂
Sleep: This girl loves to sleep and finally sleeps all night without waking up!!! She goes to sleep at 8 and sleeps until at least 8!
Food: She loves her milk! She has 4-5 bottles a day and that can be anywhere from 24-35 ounces. She is still a little skeptical about food. She doesn’t like the mushy, baby food. I am offering her food that we eat and she likes that! So far she has tried pasts, green beans, blackberries, sweet potato sticks, and turkey. Now she may not actually swallow them, but she is grabbing them and putting them into her mouth. 🙂 Remember any food before 1 is for fun anyway 🙂
Milestones: Ains can sit up unassisted, roll both ways, grab things and put in her mouth, drool, talk, yell, follow you with her head and eyes. ( It’s pretty cute how she will turn her entire head to find me ). She is trying to crawl. She will lift up her knees and try to scoot.
Likes: She is obsessed with her big brother and goes crazy with her sounds and kicks when he is near her. She will stop whatever she is doing if she hears a cartoon on, Sophie, her paci’s, bath time, the yellow Dickie’s cup that I use to rinse her with, her daddy’s necklace that she always grabs when he is holding her!
Dislikes: When I clean under her neck with a washcloth, long periods of tummy time, when I take to long to warm up her bottle. That’s really it! 🙂
This little girl is so blessed to be able to be with her daddy the majority of the week while I teach. I thank God for my husband and his ability to spend so much time with them and wanting to! He is such an amazing husband and father and deserves so much credit for being a father who is present always!
Hope your day is blessed and full of love and laughter!
She is a cutie! I love all of her outfits!