Why should we be still when everything around us is moving at such a fast pace? We need to be still and know that HE is God. Tonight I have the opportunity to speak at my Bible study.I have been wanting to speak for a few weeks now but was feeling as though I was not fit to speak. I have spoke at functions before, I speak to 1st graders everyday ( but- they are children)…..so I have experience.. last week I was feeling this sort of excitement inside and wanted to speak up, so I did.
This was the perfect week for me to speak because it’s about resting in the Lord and how we miss God in the midst of our busy days.
I feel my life gets busier every week, every day…
Here is an example of my day~I am a teacher so I am gone ALL day from 7 until about 4:30. Then I have to pick up Ainsley the second I walk in because once she see’s me she freaks out and is so loud! I go and kiss my husband, kiss Oakland and then Oakland either has soccer practice or swim lessons… Jerod and I take turns taking him while the other stays with Ainsley. Then it’s dinner time, bath time, books, prayer and lights out for the kids by 8:30!
After they are in bed that is our time to watch shows, do dishes, pick up the house, shower, and then it’s time for bed by 11:00……
I feel there is absolutely NO time for God in the midst of my hectic day. BUT there is and there SHOULD be. We MUST make time for him. I never sit down, I’m always surrounded by noise. Even when I get a second I fill that time with meaningless things…
Being busy wears on you emotionally, physically, and spiritually! We feel like we must keep up this fast paced world.
Jesus calls us to ” BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD!”
BE STILL?????????? How is that even possible? I am a hyper person….. even when I am sitting I am either biting my nails, tapping my feet, or moving my legs.
He wants us to let go of all our concerns! Cast them upon him. Be quiet with just him!
Why is it so difficult to be still? We want to be in control!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to control the uncontrollable
I have no desire to make God small, but in reality I do everyday.
I need to slow down and spend time alone with God and no one else. No noise, no distractions.
Christ endured so much for me what do I do for him?
I do crave and yearn for time with him but then LIFE gets in the way. It’s when he is center of my life, my life becomes less chaotic.
I need to depend on him and trust in his word. As a mom I need to STOP moving all the time and really reflect on the amazing blessings he has given me and let him speak to me.
What gets in the way of your relationship with Jesus?
What are you putting before him?
These are such important questions that when I look at and answer I feel compelled to change my thinking, my wants, my desires. If we delight in HIM, HE will give us the desires of our heart.
You are amazing!