Y’all I am a member of Influenster and I received a voucher for a free entree of my choice ! I chose the lasagna with meat sauce!
Let me tell you that it is SOOOOO good and what’s better is that it is organic!!!! Target sells them! Plus they were only $8.99 without the voucher( FREE with my voucher!) Jerod and I ate for free but would have only eaten for $8.99! We eat out more than we probably should and this meal is a great alternative to eating out and spending $20+! Pair it with a salad and you have an easy, organic meal!

I give this meal 5 stars!
If you head over to Annies and scroll down on the home page you can print a coupon for $2 off your meal!!!
Thanks for sharing, I love the macaroni and cheese from Annie's!