Love this mama’s story! Ashton’s authenticity is so beautiful and so is her need for Jesus!! Check her out on Instagram and over at her Blog !!!
I was born into a family that believes in God. Growing up we didn’t regularly go to church and occasionally we would attend on Christmas Eve or Easter. Jesus was never a daily topic of conversation in our home, and I didn’t give Him much thought as a teenager.
When I was 18 I knew something was missing from my life. I know Jesus was calling me and I started to regularly attend church with a few friends. Back then I felt like life with Jesus was just a set of rules to live by and being a Christian seemed like a lot of work. I didn’t keep up with going to church and slowly drifted further and further from God.
After fading back into routine I surrounded myself with more distraction to fill that missing piece. Pretty soon I found myself in a relationship with someone that was practically a stranger and before I knew it I was pregnant. As soon as I heard that little heartbeat I was set on rearranging my priorities, everything else would take a back seat to this perfect little baby. After my sweet baby girl was born life was HARD as it is with any newborn. Her Daddy was gone a lot and we just couldn’t get along. He would do things to emotionally hurt me and I would retaliate back. Those few months were dark. Most days I would end up crying myself to sleep on the bathroom floor. In that dark moment of my life I prayed, and I hadn’t prayed in years. It felt so foreign and a little silly but I begged God for change. When I woke up the next morning I was in the exact same situation but what did change was me. I had a better attitude, my head was clear, I had a plan and I saw the path. I accepted offers to join friends at church and found a place where I felt like I belonged. I used to get so embarrassed because every single service would make me cry. A very smart woman from my church explained that the tears were the holy spirit moving through me. Even though Gracie’s Dad and I could not make things work, God blessed me with a man who loves Gracie more than anything and always puts her first. I had declared my love for Jesus to my family and close friends but had never been baptized. That changed last summer when I declared it to the world and was baptized in August 2014 with my two girls, Gracie and Claire. I am so grateful for what Jesus’ love has done for my life and how it has changed me.
That's very brave of you to share this story but I'm glad you were able to find the love you needed in Jesus and that it helped you in the ways you needed 🙂
Such an amazing testimony. I love hearing what God has done in your life Ashton.
You story is beautiful! Congratulations on getting baptized, it is a huge step for our faith. It represents bravery and commitment. Gracie has a wonderful mommy.