This story is from Kristen over on Instargam- her name is @carlsonkiki 🙂
I absolutely love hearing how God has worked in Kristen’s life! I love the reference to Noah also and how God gave him promises and then presented a beautiful rainbow! Thanks so much for sharing your story!!!!!!!!
God has always been a part of my life. There have been times that I have strayed from God but I never gave up on trying. I have always believed that he is the reason for all good things and if I prayed he would guide me onto the right path.
In these last couple years I have been determined to draw closer to God and raise my children with the understanding and knowledge that all comes from God. The greatest blessing God has given me is my two beautiful children.
With the gift of children comes the responsibility to teach them about God and his kingdom. It is my responsibility to instill love, kindness, hope, and faith in my children through the accurate knowledge of the Bible.
For example recently we read about God’s promises and how his promises are never broken. It went beautifully with the story about Noah and the promises that God gave to Noah. Not only did God give promises to Noah but promises to each and every one of us with the beautiful rainbow after the flood.
This is a wonderful study to teach my little ones to learn the importance of promises and to imitate God in his love and kindness. To be able to teach my children and see that they are retaining this knowledge is such an uplifting thing for me.
It has given me the motivation to dig deeper into my own study of the Bible so that I can guide them in their quest of a beautiful friendship with God. Psalms 86:10 says, “for you are great and do wondrous things; You are God, you alone.” I am seeing first hand how great God is and how he continues to bless me and my family in wanting to draw closer to Him.
I love this! God has such a huge hand in everything we do!!
Thank you! God certainly does!!
Love! Wonderful post and great reminders.
Thank you so much!
I nominated you for a Liebster Award!
Amen. God's promises were the same yesterday, today and will be tomorrow.
Very true Aleshea!!! Thank you for reading my testimony!