I love the summer time and the fact that I get over 2 months off of work! I don’t like staying at home all day long so I usually have to go somewhere! Even if it’s a free place 🙂
After lunch we head out to do something fun or play around the house in the sprinkler or do crafts.
Around 2 to 3 depending on what our afternoon looked like I will put Ainsley down for a nap that is usually 1-2. Hours long. During this time Oakland has his quiet time of 1 hour. I like to clean up around the house or sometimes will take a nap also.
I really love my alone time and I’m learning to tell Oakland no sometimes. I use to always say yes and then I’d get worn out or too tired to really commit to playing with him. I do make him rest every day just because he needs it. He plays so hard and really needs to wind down and just relax. During this time there is no tv, I do allow some iPad time. I love him to build and create and pretend!
So if his rest time is over and Ainsley is still asleep we will go outside again just the two of us. He really looks forward to this time because it’s just with me, no sister and no sharing ha
We continue to all play until around 5:30. That’s when I usually start to plan dinner. I am really horrible at cooking and don’t… I need healthy, easy recipes bad!!!! We typically eat out a lot during the week….like 4-5x,I know it’s really horrible.
We eat around 6 and then bathe the kids either together in the bath or Oakland will take a shower with Jerod.
After the bath we play some more and then it’s time fore Ainsley’s nightly routine:
– after bath put tubby Todd lavender lotion on and brush and blow dry her hair.
– Brush her teeth
– read books
– sing and pray
This is all by 7:30
Then it’s Oaklands turn!
– shower, holdy time with dad
– brush teeth, go to the bathroom
– read, sing, and pray
This is all by 8:30, usually I try to make it by 8:00.
After that it’s clean up house, watch shows with Jerod,and take my shower!
That’s our day! Does yours look similar or very different?
It sounds like you have the day pretty well set! Schedules are so great for kids… I don't have any of my own, but I've worked with them for a long time and I've noticed that those children who have a good routine often perform better in school 🙂
Great schedule! I love getting a little glimpse into how life works with two kids, since that'll be me in a month or less.
Sounds like a fun day!
I always keep to a schedule, too. Keeps everyone happy!
Your kids are adorable. Mine are almost 2 and barely 4. It's awesome and exhausting all at once!
Cute pics!
This sounds so similar to my routine with my two girls (3 and 1)!! And up until a few years ago I was also terrible with meal planning and making dinner! I started marking down each week's plan on a monthly calendar & saved it for a year! This was the spark that made me start my blog — I have a few recipes up right now. I will be adding more alone with my meal planning YEAR that I saved! (slowly but surely, because being a mom is hard enough 😉 ) I hope that you might check out my blog & find something that suits you and your family!! Thanks for sharing!
Lovely pictures! Nice sharing.
Your babies are adorable! Love your schedule!
I love reading a day in the life posts! It sounds like you have a fun and busy day with your little ones! I love that you have a verse that you practice, I can't wait to start doing that with my little one.
Great post, I love posts like these that show everyone's real life! Thanks for sharing!
Looks you are enjoying your break from work, well spent with the family!
I had over 1 month off from university and I couldnt wait for my classes to begin. 1 month break is too much for a student who lives away from her family. 😀
Love it!
I love a glimpse into others routines :))
I love the pasta sauce/ no pasta sauce!
So so cute.
I think I said love a lot in that comment!
It's true! But I should probably pick up a thesaurus for future commenting ;))
Life definitely looks a little different with 2 rather than 1! Love the schedule though, makes life so much easier!