OILS- have you heard of them?
Essential oils have also been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties
I love using them daily on my children and myself!
About the Independent Distributor:
Hello! I’m Ashley – child of God, wife to my darling, mama to two little lovelies, and blessed to live this life full of love, goodness, and grace. Our little family has been changed for the better since the use of Young Living essential oils, and I would love to share this journey of health and wellness with you.
There are three common ways to use essential oils:
to apply topically – Oils can be applied directly to the skin. The bottoms of your feet are a popular place to apply oils. The feet are not a sensitive area and the oils will be drawn into the body quickly. You can also apply an oil onto a specific area, diluted or not.
to ingest – Oils can be dropped under the tongue. If you do not like the taste of a certain oil in can be dropped into vegetable capsules to ingest.
to breathe – Place a drop of oil onto your hands, rub them together, place your hands over your nose & mouth, and take a deep breath.
The thieves household cleaner is the BEST! It smells good and I love knowing it’s non-toxic and safe!
The SniffleEase is amazing! I put it on Ainsley’s feet every night! It really helps with her congestion and runny noses!
The Peppermint is fabulous for me whenever I start to get a runny nose! It revitalizes me and opens my nasal passages! I also will dab a bit on the roof of my mouth when my throat starts to hurt!
The Cedarwood is fabulous when it is in my diffuser. It is great in my classroom and is relaxing, calming, and comforting atmosphere
I love the freedom I find in the use of oils. I love that it is safe and non-toxic. I put oils on all day long and honestly feel better with them on!
I want to give a bottle away! So head over to my INSTAGRAM page to enter!
My essential oils have become my newest obsession. I use them for everything and love them so so much. Currently i'm loving my cold & flu oil, trying to keep this fall junk at bay in my house.
Thieves really is SO awesome! Love it!
i've never heard of Thieves…i'm definitely going to check them out. i usually buy my oils in bulk so I didn't know this was available. Thanks!