Your summer is officially over. You work tirelessly on perfecting your classroom. You laminate everything. You organize your bookshelves by color coordinating everything. You do a little back to school shopping and buy yourself some new clothes. You also purchase some school supplies for your classroom.
You are almost ready for that first day of school!
You set your classroom up for Back to School night where you will greet your students with a big smile and store their school supplies in your room. You’ve sat through hours of teacher training. You write your students each a welcome to my class note!
You’re tired. You’re not used to working these long hours since being on Summer vacation.
The day has finally come! It’s the first day of school and you’ve come prepared with your neatly polished manicure, curled hair, and 2 cups of coffee in hand!
The first student arrives and it’s your SON. You have waited 6 years to be his 1st grade teacher. You are filled with so much emotion. This day is finally here.
Dear mother,
This summer wasn’t always easy. You raised your voice too often. You had to put your kids in time out. You cried more than you expected to. You had so much fun though! You went to exciting places and got to be with your kids all day long!
6 years has gone and the time is finally here for your son to go to 1st grade.
You have worked really hard to prepare him for this moment.
You have prayed over this child so much.
You are so protective and fear that his heart and mind will stray.
You and your son are so much alike it’s scary.
You have trained him in the way he should go.
You have modeled what it means to speak kindly to others.
Your baby is no longer a baby. He is no longer a toddler. He is in grade school. He won’t take naps anymore.
He will test you. You will continue to love him unconditionally. He is your first born. The one that surprised you 6 months after you married the love of your life.
Your son went through hell after he was born. He was in the NICU for a week with an unknown virus. He proved to be strong and made it through.
Mother you are strong. You can do this.
I have the greatest pleasure of teaching my son this year. I am so excited and also nervous. I am blessed and grateful to be able to be his teacher. God has truly been preparing me for this moment for quite some time. He knows that Oakland and I are the same in SO MANY WAYS. I know that the Lord is going to stretch me, challenge me, and grow me more than ever this year. I am fully aware of how difficult it might be but I am definitely ready for this challenge.
God equips those with all we need for doing his will.
I know I am not alone in being my son’s teacher and mother. All of us mothers are teachers. We have hard jobs. Those jobs are so rewarding. We aren’t promised how many seconds, days, months, or years we get with our children so let’s make the most of them while we have them! My job is no harder than a mom who is a stay at home mom. I just happen to be away from my children the entire day. THIS year I get to be with my son all day long.It’s going to be hard. I am going to get frustrated. I am going to lost my patience.
but I wouldn’t trade getting to be son’s 1st grade teacher for anything.
I asked Oakland what he wanted God to do in his life this year and he said ” I want Him to give me an obedient heart.” God that is also what I ask this year for my sweet son. May his heart grow more and more obedient every day
Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling.
This calling is a privilege and being your mother Oakland is an absolute privilege. I love you sweet boy and I can’t wait to see what God does in your life this year.
Enjoy your year having him in your class! My mom taught my brother in 3rd grade and then taught me in 6th. It was such a blessing!
This is so precious. Posts that will be treasured for years to come!!
What a beautifully sweet post! What a cool thing you two get to experience together!
Thank you so so much! I agree! 🙂
Love this so much!!