Thank you to buybuy Baby for sponsoring this post! All registry opinions are 100% my own!
You find out you’re pregnant and you think of a million things you need to get done before the baby arrives! Waiting is probably the hardest part of a pregnancy. This is our 3rd child and if you read this post I was asked this question a lot… When are we going to have more….. We decided to have the Harmony Test done on this baby. We needed to know the results based on previous genetic history in my biological family.
Fast Forward to 11 weeks and we find out we are having ANOTHER GIRL!!!!! We are filled with so much joy and excitement!!!!!!!!! Just one problem…. I sold EVERY SINGLE BABY ITEM when Ainsley was about 2. I sold all of the baby gear with the exception of her pack ‘n’ play!!!!! I needed to start over and that’s where buybuy Baby in!
buybuy BABY literally has every thing you need for your baby. The registry process was SO simple! I had a personal associate walk me around the store and explain every section to me and provided me with a checklist. I loved getting to scan what I needed/ wanted and then if I didn’t need it removing it from the scanner was easy!
There are so many products I would not register for with my 3rd that I did with my 1st child. For example a changing table, wipe warmer, and regular monitor without a video screen! I’ve learned a ton over the past 7 years and there are items that weren’t around when I created my first registry! The nosefrida, and mamaroo were not around!
Everything below is what I got for Leighton! I wouldn’t share them with you unless I love them already!!! Check them out!
This is a huge lifesaver! I didn’t have one with Oakland but did with Ainsley!! I was able to get things done more efficiently while pumping with this bra!
Beaba baby cooker/ similar
I cooked all of Ainsley’s food when she was smaller but used a regular blender. I have heard amazing things about this cooker and I can’t wait to make Leighton’s food with it!
This product is AMAZING!!! Again I didn’t have it with O but did with Ains. I literally suck all of the snot out of her nose myself! Of course there are little blue sponges that stop the snot from going into my mouth, don’t worry! I just love being able to see with my own eyes all of the yuckiness that comes out of their little noses and then see them feel better!
I had this pillow with both of my children and it just made feeding them much easier!
I am so excited to use this monitor with L!! I am able to see her, watch her movement, and hear her all at once!
Jujube Diaper bag/ similar
This bag is so beautiful and functional! I love the quality, design, and how big it is! I need a lot of pockets and this bag comes with a ton!
I have never used these bottles but again I hear amazing things about them and how these were the only bottles some other moms have used! I take comfort in knowing that!
Cossato umbrella stroller
This is the stroller Leighton will use once she grows out of the infant strollers! I love the design!!!
I can’t wait to watch her sleep next to me in this easy, on the go travel crib/ bassinet!
I got this travel system complete with the infant car seat as well. I love the sleek style!
This bath looks awesome! It comes with a color changing drain plug to gauge ideal bath temperature!
Playtex Diaper Genie
I have never used a diaper genie with any of my kids but love the idea of this product! Playtex makes trusted and known products and I am so excited to use this one!
I used this brand with my other two children and must say they are one of the best brands out there for swaddle blankets!!!
UPPAbaby Vista double stroller with ride along board for Oakland to stand on!
I searched and searched for a double stroller that had the option of a 3rd child standing or sitting. This stroller was the winner! I love that Oakland can stand on the ride along board on the back. I didn’t want a side by side double stroller and this particular one has amazing reviews!
Hands down the best moccasins out there! The quality is impeccable. Ains wore them as a baby!
The Polly® Progres5™ is a multi-chair with five unique configurations for every age and stage:
Newborn Recliner
Infant Highchair
Toddler Booster
Big Kid Booster
Youth Stool
Love that it will grow with her and that I can move it around my kitchen easily!
I did not use this product with my other two but again heard amazing things about it!
I love that this product replicates parents natural motions!
I never used a carrier with my children, only wraps….. I am so pumped to wear Leighton in front and behind me!! This brand is phenomenal based on a lot of other blogger’s reviews!
One amazing thing is that ALL of these fabulous products can be found at buybuy Baby!!!! If you’re still deciding on what store to registry with I highly recommend buybuy Baby!!! I am so glad I did with my 3rd child! You also get a sweet goody bag when you register!
Obsessed with that flamingo print! So many things I agree with, pinned!
I love the color of that carrier!! Also I’m totally guilty of buying the wipe warmer that went unused, ha!
Lordy, I’m CLUELESS when it comes to babies!! Bookmarking this for sometime in the future…!
Coming Up Roses
Such great items for all the mamas to be! I loved our diaper genie, something I kept from my eldest, and our baby monitor. The NoseFrida was so life changing with our second princess, that was not around when our first was born, that thing really cleans it all out, mind blowing!
Thanks so much for sharing these! As a fellow pregnant mama I have to check these out.
This is the best roundup ever! I wish I would have known about some of these products for my girls. Maybe I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the 3? *wink wink
Such great options you have added. One thing I know that are necessities I tell any of my New mom friends is to get the Swaddle Me Swaddles -they’re amazing and have the Velcro , so you don’t struggle with the whole wrapping baby up tight enough. Also, the Graco sound machine is a LIFE SAVER! I got one from my bestie when I was preggers w/ baby 1 and he still uses it at 3 years old. We bought a second one for baby 2 and we even used it In the hospital while I recovered from my C-section. 21 months later, he still uses it! I love the mamaroo, if we have a third I def want that swing !! Love FP moccs also and love the A&A swaddles for blankets and stroller covers .
What a great list of must-haves! And I especially love that you can find them all in one store!
I have many of these baby products for Finnegan! Such a great registry!
Love this roundup! Can’t wait to look in to getting a few of these things for the next baby! 🙂
Lots of awesome things!! Can’t wait to check some out!
So many great items on this list!! I’ve found as I have more babies my “must haves” have decreased quite a bit! The nose frida is such a sleep saver! For our fourth we added a ktan to the list – and a video monitor (I haven’t purchased it yet since she’s still with us but I need to find one – the angelcare looks awesome).
The Nose Frida is invaluable! We love ours.
Love your picks! A baby carrier and that diaper bag are my favs!