This post is sponsored by Epic! All thoughts are my own!
Summer is officially over and the kids are in school! One thing I wanted them to do throughout the summer was to stay familiar with books. They didn’t read or were read to every single night but I made every effort for it to happen weekly. They love books! With Oakland he is able to read on his own and with Ainsley I have to read to her.
Your child has the option of making the word bold when it is read aloud.
My children were introduced to books at an early age and I would read to the every single night before they go to bed. If there is one thing I want to instill in my children that is to nurture of a love for reading!
I am so excited to to share with all you moms about an amazing digital library for kids! Epic! exists to foster a love of reading and learning for kids everywhere. You get access to over 25,000 of the best books, learning videos, quizzes, and more! Your child is extremely engaged when they’re using Epic! My kids absolutely love it! Ainsley and Oakland both love the books about animals! They are learning about each animals while having fun!
Epic! is also used in 87% of U.S. elementary school classrooms, reaching millions of children in their schools and homes.
Parents can create up to 4 customizable child profiles per account. Each child will receive personal recommendations based on their reading level and interests.
Utilizing Epic! can set your child up for success this school year and get them excited about reading!
Use my promo code BRITTANY for a 2 month free trial.
Try it yourself HERE!
This is awesome! I’m going to talk to H about this tomorrow!
I’m def trying this for Garrett! Thanks for the promo code!