When it comes to disciplining my children, well really just Oakland because Ainsley is much too small, I struggle with it.
Oakland knows how to test me and he knows that I tend to give in often. I don’t want it to be like that forever. Usually the dads are always the stern ones or the ones that spank. I have spanked Oakland a few times in his 5 years of life.
a few things I am certain of…
- you should never spank out of anger. If you need to calm down walk away and then come back to approach them about the situation.
- you should talk to your child about what they did, what they could have done differently, and how God views sin. I always make sure to tell Oak how God despises ( hates) sin and that he loves us SO much he took away our sins when he died on the cross! It’s a lot to understand at 5 years old BUT I am a firm believer in training up your child in the way they should go and then will not depart from those ways!
- children will mess up. They are not perfect. Every time they sin is a chance to show and share Christ’s love with them.
Proverbs 13:24 states “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” We, as parents are suppose to discipline children. I will not let my children walk around and talk to me however they’d like and do whatever they want. They need to have consequences for their actions if they are inappropriate or they will think its okay to keep doing it.
If you have any advice or loving feedback I’d love to hear!
Such a great post and love the verse to go along with it. I totally agree with not spanking out of anger because that makes a huge difference to the child.
-Summer Ann
Thanks so much girl! Yes, it truly does…. It could scar them for life. I don't want my child being afraid of me 🙁
Amazing blog post!! I completely agree with everything in your post. Especially teaching them even if they don't understand. A child is like a sponge. And I love that you are teaching your kids about Christ at such a young age.
Thank you SO much Natalie! I am so glad! Yes they are! I believe I need to and want to 🙂
Great post! Will keep that verse in mind when I have children!!!
I absolutely agree that you should never spank your children when you're angry. I think that it's so important to show them tons of love and support so that when they do get in trouble, they still see you as someone who loves and cares for them, not someone they have to be afraid of.
Good thoughts!
Wonderful thoughts and a great post!
I'm still undecided about this subject and I'm raising an 11 year old.. Nick has only been "smacked" ONCE. I remember he was 4. We were in the grocery store and he was going through a stage where he was sticking his tongue out and spitting at me all the time. I had tried everything to get him to stop, it could have been that I was working two jobs at the time and struggling to get by, but something clicked and I told him if he did it one more time I was going to smack him in his mouth. He did it. Again. and I ever so slightly put my hand across his face. I of course felt awful, he screamed, I cried. But guess what. He never did it again. Nor have I ever had to smack him again. EVER. I believe that as parents if we say we're going to do something then we need to follow through or else our children think they can walk all over us. I don't believe in hitting, or spanking. But I don't judge people that do either. Everyone is different and we are all just trying to find what works for us as mothers.
I was spanked as a child, and I turned out just fine, but I truly believe my parents never spanked me out of anger, that they spanked me when it was a last resort & I also believe in the saying that it hurts the parent to do it more than it hurts the child to get a spanking. *shrugs* I am nowhere close to having children, so my views may seriously change between now and then, but you keeping do you momma!
We have a discipline area in our home with posters of the Ten Commandments, houserules, clip chart and consequences. It really helps deal with disciplining out of anger and helps us teach mercy. It has been such an amazing change in our home.