I have to admit I always forget to give my facts when someone tags me but when Summer Ann tagged me on my i n s t a g r a m I had F R E E time! Both of my kids were in bed by 8:15 and that NEVER happens! Ainsley went down by 7:45 and Oakland by 8:15!!!!!
Here’s 5 facts about me!
- I was adopted at birth. My biological mother and mom were related somehow down the line distantly! Teri ( bio. mom) was 15 when she became pregnant and contacted my mom because a relative had mentioned that my mom couldn’t have anymore children and wanted a girl so badly. My mom even offered to live with Teri and help out at the beginning if she wanted to keep me! Teri said no I want her to be raised by mother and father… Teri is and was ( she died on Halloween 2013) the most self-less woman I have ever met! We in fact did meet in 2002. I am going to write a blog post about my adoption. OH and I just met my biological father LAST YEAR!
Teri and I at my wedding in 2008
I was REALLY active in Younglife in high school and in College. I have been to a lot of their camps and even did work crew and summer staff. I wanted to pursue it in college but God had different plans.
I bite my cuticles and have since I can remember… it’s a horrrrrrible habit and the nail ladies always talk about my cuticles when I get refills. HAHA I know it!
I gave my life to Christ when I was freshman in HS and then later when to a Christian college in Dallas where I met my husband!
My instagram friend Amber @ heykidboutique and I started a company on instagram called amber2ashes CHECK IT OUT! We have some cuuuuute shirts for kids and their moms!
I am always picking at my cuticles as well!
I have been a nail/cuticle biter my whole life! Sometimes I can stop if I do regular manicures, but it's a hard habit to stop! =)
What an interesting adoption story! I can't wait to read your next post on it!
I'm anxious to read your adoption post, she sounds like an amazing woman! & I'm a bad nail biter! It's horrid! I get the backlash for my nails to!
Good luck with your business! I'll be checking it out for sure!
Would love to hear your adoption story. I am also guilty of biting my cuticles. Especially when I am super stressed.
My husband and I thought about adoption. Can't wait to read about your's!
I can't wait to read your adoption post a well 🙂
Love it!! I was so involved in YoungLife in high school. That's where I came to know the Lord & even spent many summers working at their summer camps!