The other day I was getting a mani/pedi and I overheard this woman talking to the nail tech. The conversation went like this.
nail tech- ” Aw when are you due?”
pregnant woman- ” any day now!”
nail tech- ” So exciting, you having a girl this time?”
pregnant woman-“NO, and I cried when we found it was going to be another boy”
I was seriously appalled when I heard those words come out of her mouth.
” I cried when I found out I was having a boy” I don’t think she was crying because because she was happy but because she did not get what she wanted…
SO many times in our lives we don’t get what we want. Do we deserve it? No, we do not deserve anything. BUT Christ is so generous and gracious he will give us what we desire if it aligns with His will for our life.
Here I am thinking to myself SO many things like:
+One of my closest friends just got pregnant and it took them years to conceive .
+ it took about 2 years to get pregnant with Ainsley, after help and a miscarriage.
+ there are women who are crying out just to have one child.
+Children are blessings and a reward from the Lord.
I had to sit there and try with all of my might to not judge this woman. I am a sinner first and foremost, I am not perfect, and yes I have sinful thoughts.
We all may have these thoughts , we all say things we shouldn’t, we all think things we shouldn’t….
{complaining about what God was blessing her with!}
{complaining about what God was blessing her with!}
My heart broke inside for all of the mothers who are trying to get pregnant, the mothers who have tried over and over again with fertility treatments, the mothers who are going through CPS, Adoption agencies, or fostering to adopt.
We all say things we don’t mean but there is always someone who hears and see’s your actions.
We, mothers to be, mothers in waiting, and mothers who have precious children are all made in the image of God. We need to be a reflection of Christ. In our everyday lives, in our speech, and in the way we be a mother to our children.
Jerod and I would love to have another child either through Adoption , fostering to adopt, or naturally. It is not in my hands, it in the hands of God. I only pray that I would guard my tongue because what you say and do is so important.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 5 (NIV)
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 5 (NIV)
If you are reading this may the Lord grant you blissful joy as you endure whatever trial or season God is guiding you.
Beautifully written! I know many mothers who cannot conceive and it breaks their hearts and I have to watch it vmevery day, as I'm going on to baby #3. It's hard not feel bad sometimes because I can conceive and they cant. But I know can't do anything about it, except pray! So I life them up in prayer!
So true. I have so many single friends hoping to have children. Also I have friends later in years trying to have children for the first time, with less than hopeful results. I know people sometimes get lost in their own pity parties, but I love the grateful for challenges. Challenge your friends and family to be grateful for 21 days on facebook. Its eye opening what others are struggling with.
When I worked for a crisis pregnancy center, we would hear people debate on whether they were going to have an abortion or not based on the sex of the child. A lot of times it was cultural. It was so hard for me to hear, but I just prayed. Hard.
I don't really understand mothers who say things like that either. When I had my first, everyone told me how lucky I was to have a boy. All I could think was "I'd take a girl or a boy as long as they're healthy" a baby is a lovely blessing no matter the gender. This was a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
I love this! Thank you for your perspective and for sharing your faith!
Thanks for sharing. It is AMAZING the things that come out of peoples mouth! They really have no idea.. grace grace grace for these people, whew!
Babies are a huge blessing no matter the shape, size, color, or gender!!!
great post…
on the one hand, i do totally agree with everything you've said here. i think your perspective is one that many share–appreciate what you've been given because it could just as easily be taken away. on the other hand, i have 2 girls so i have to admit i wasn't ecstatic upon finding out that i was having another girl. it sounds ridiculous as i type this out–but i'm being honest. it wasn't until they thought they were going to have to take her from me and i felt her fight inside me that i truly appreciated the little spirit that God had given me.
was i feeling bratty? absolutely but that didn't mean i didn't appreciate the gift inside me that i appreciate even moreso now. of course after i had a small tantrum, i was immediately reminded of those struggling to receive the blessing that i was b—— about.
I totally get what youre saying. And I think ultimately people are happy with healthy babies! But I remember thinking for months that my youngest was a girl {due to a faulty ultrasound reading} and was so pumped up for a girl after two boys. And then we found out he was a boy! LOL! I was happy with my baby, of course, but it was a shock. Ill admit, I was sad to put away the dresses!
Just love your blog! Such an inspiration for us XO, k + k