Summer is in full force and it’s hot outside. The last thing you want to do is go outside! I don’t know about your kids but mine get bored fast. My son is really into crafts and experiments, like more 7 year old boys!
I am sure you’ve heard all about slime and I thought it was honestly something everyone was buying at the store. I am sharing the easiest recipe and there are 4 ingredients! Well 3 if you do away with the glitter and use glitter glue!
You will need:
-4 oz. Elmer’s clear glue. You could also use the glitter glue to avoid having to buy glitter too. My store was out of this particular kind.
-glitter, I used 2 different colors.
-1/2 tablespoon baking soda
-1 tablespoon contact solution
Literally all you do is mix the ingredients and knead it really well. What I did was…
First, added the 4 oz. of glue.
Second, I added the baking soda.
Third, the kids added the glitter.
LAST, they poured in the contact solution.
It was SO EASY to make! This slime would be a great party favor!
What a simple yet cool way to keep the kids happy!
Bella has been wanting to make some slime, so this will be our next project! And glitter will definitely go in it, girl thing. Haha
Bookmarked for babysitting. I have a little cousin who would have so much fun with this!
Girl! I MUUUUST try this!! Thanks for sharing!!
Totally making this with my son! He’d absolute love it (and I love how easy it is!)
Definitely on my “need to do list” such an easy project!
I have yet to make my kids slime! I need to though because they would love it!
So simple! My kids haven’t discovered slime yet but I’ll have to remember this for when my oldest starts to ask for it!
who knew?! looks so fun, my kids would love it
My girls have been begging me to make some slime! A perfect rainy summer day activity