Thank you Gymboree for sponsoring this post and a huge thank you to phil & teds for Leighton’s amazing stroller.
The days are super long especially if have nowhere to go. Staying home hasn’t been too hard. This is my second day not teaching. Obviously I will still be teaching my children at home…but won’t be teaching in a classroom setting anymore, at least for a while. Would I go back? Yes, when the timing is right. I am really enjoying this time with my girls. I love getting to actually enjoy my coffee in the morning. I love being able to get Oakland off of the bus. I love being able to put Ainsley down for a nap during the day. I love being able to feed Leighton and rock her to sleep while being tightly swaddled.
I find myself not being able to sit down a lot of the day. I want to do so much and then just end up feeling like I don’t have the time. I want to make sure I always have something for Ainsley to do but then I realize that is not an expectation I should have. There will be times when she’s bored because she can’t watch a show or play on her iPad. I want her to be able to entertain herself. I walked in her room tonight to find her playing with her dolls and getting them ready for “school.” I love listening to my kids play. I love watching them play together. I hate when I have to put them in timeout, which I do quite often with Ainsley.
She is going through a diva stage. She will talk back, give me attitude, shake her head when speaking, and roll her eyes. It really frustrates me. I have to get down and explain to her how that kind of response isn’t kind to mommy and that it makes me sad when she speaks to me that way.
She needs to understand when she hurts someone…She needs to be called out when she’s done something wrong. I think it’s important to model how to do or say something.
We, the parents need to model speaking kindly to each other and model the right actions. SO many times we tend to hold our kids to a higher standard. We want them to lower their voice, we want them to share, we want them to be patient, we want them to respond kindly…. but so often we are the ones doing the opposite of what we tell them to do.
Let’s show them what it means to love. Let’s show them what it means to be kind. Let’s show them gentleness. Let’s show them selflessness.
A good example of this: Yesterday Jerod was rushing home to see Oakland get off the bus but saw a young gentleman walking to work in the hot, hot sun! He knew he might be late to the bus stop but he also knew he should offer a ride to the guy. He turned around after passing him and offered a ride. The two got to talking and he realized his car wasn’t working properly, he had a 6 month old, and he needed to get to work regardless of having a car or regardless of how hot it was in Houston that day. Jerod told Oakland about this encounter and Oakland couldn’t believe it. ” You gave that stranger a ride to work daddy??” Jerod explained to him how we need to be there for others and offer acts of kindness. This was such a good teachable moment.
The days are super long mamas but let’s not forget to make those long days count. We are all in this together and doing the best we can. Love on each other, lift each other up in prayer, and reach out to each other!!
Leighton loves this phil&teds stroller and so does her mama! It’s so smooth to push and she falls asleep almost 95% of the time she’s in it! The padding is so soft and she’s able to lay back to take a nap! I love taking pictures of her feed. It is a reminder of all of the amazing places these feet are going to take her! The Lord is going to direct her steps and I am so thankful to be an influence in her life!
Dress and backpack c/o Gymboree
The cutest flamingo outfit: c/o Gymboree
Thanks for reading sweet friends it means so much to me!
so true my friend, it’s so important to guide by example. Deposit all that is good, kind, noble in their little hearts!
Omg she looks so cute in her new stroller, and outfit. I’m so glad she’s loving it. There is something so nice when your little one loves their stroller. She is gbs cutest.
Adorable outfits and totally agree about being a good example. It’s something that takes mindfulness, though, so I think we are all working on being more aware of that. S started the diva thing around 4/5 and now at 6 is a full blown teenager! I think these girls miss being the “baby” with the new little ones, too, so there’s more acting out. I try to remember that, but it’s definitely frustrating and I don’t have the patience I’d like to.
Very true post! We need to be an example to our kids first. Why should I hold my son to a higher standard and expect him to learn to play without technology if mom is always on her phone? It’s a lesson I’m learning!
I love all of their outfits and this is all so true!
Such an important reminder! Modeling good behavior is so important, but can be forgotten in the heat of the moment. There’s nothing quite like your tiny child parroting your example to really put the into perspective. Thanks for sharing!
Great reminder that what we do makes a huge impact on them! And I’m loving those outfits and stroller! It looks super comfy!
Such beautiful children and it sounds like you are both modeling such good values for them! Yay!
It’s so important to teach by example. Our kids are always watching us! Any stroller that can keep the babies happy is a good one! That one looks extra comfy!
Well said, mama. These days are long, messy, & beautiful; and ultimately too short.
Enjoy this time doll! It’s so important to keep perspective!
Love these words. So, so hard, but flies by all too fast. Your girls are adorable! Love their outfits!!
I just LOVE your blog! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write this for us! Your family is very beautiful! Please take care and keep smiling