A boho birthday party round 2! Ainsley’s 7th birthday was also a boho theme with rainbows! I love this theme so much!
Leighton loves face paint, bounce houses, macaroni, snow cones, coloring, and bunnies! She got it all at her party!
I was so excited to be able to host her party at my sweet friend’s beautiful home in Tomball. It is gorgeous with plenty of space!
The home is located in downtown Tomball and there was so much space! She actually lets photographers use her home!
Some INCREDIBLE small businesses helped to make the party such a success!
They’re all located in Houston too!
Juliana- Jujuu Photography– a phenomenal photographer who took all my photos! Such a dear friend who is so talented!
All Flavors Catering The perfect bites for kids! Leighton devoured the Mac n cheese!
Mind Bloom Play homemade play dough that matched the colors perfectly! Perfect party favors!
Wood and Spruce wooden rainbows the kids painted was the perfect activity during the party!
CL Designs Tx gorgeous balloon garlands around arches and number 4 marquee
All The Pretty Things HTX the most gorgeous flowers!! They also provided beautiful garlands on the porch!
GG’S Face Painting the most amazing face painter!! She was at a party we went to and had to book her!
Mason Home Tx The home where the party was located!! It is gorgeous inside and out!
Chivas Sugar Cookies incredibly yummy cookies! She made Ainsley’s rainbow Cookies for her boho party back in August!
My sweet friend’s husband made the wooden arches! They actually rent them out too!

So much cuteness!!! Love all of the decor so much!
Love everything about this! So special and fun!!! Celebrating our babies is the absolute best!
I love this so much!!😍😍😍
This is literally goals. Everything seems so perfect! Thank you for sharing with us.
What a beautiful party! Love the all the colors 😍
So. Cute!!!!
So darling! Love it all!
This is so cute! 😍😍 I love the colors & theme! The decor is beautiful!!!
This theme is so dreamy! Everything looks so coordinated and perfect! <3 hope she had a blast